ResiDental Movement

Are you a dentist interested in helping patients who truly need your care? Are you a dentist looking to own your own practice without the stress of a traditional practice? Are you looking for more free time and flexibility, plus the chance to spend quality time with patients? Consider the emerging field of dental home care. The ResiDENTAL Movement exists to encourage, equip and empower dentists to begin offering in-home dental care to patients who need it most - patients with limited mobility, phobias, cognitive impairment, and special needs. These patients need dental care while they remain in their own residences. Tune in while the host, Dr. Ashleigh Robinson, talks dentistry, business, ethics, mindset, and more to help you become a part of ResiDENTAL Movement. Website: Facebook: Instagram:

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3 days ago

Welcome to this week’s reflections from the Residential Movement. This week’s episode is inspired by a tough house call I recently faced when a patient was unable to cooperate causing an unproductive appointment. Unlike a traditional dental office where such moments might get lost in a busy day, these situations feel more pronounced. The effort of packing up, driving to a patient’s home, and then dealing with a challenging situation can be disheartening. However, these moments are a part of the profession, and it’s important to know how to navigate through them.
To get through tough times, I always remember that it’s vital to revisit your ‘Why.’ Remembering your purpose—why you chose this path—helps during difficult days. Whether you're doing house-call dentistry to increase access for homebound patients, for time freedom, or to be your own boss, ensure your 'Why' is meaningful beyond just monetary gain. For instance, my mission to provide dental care to the homebound always keeps me motivated even on days when I'm feeling down. So remember, the key to enduring these tough times is to embrace your deeper motivation and stay committed to your mission. 
If you're serious about building your house call practice, consider joining the Dental House Call Practice Academy (DHCPA). This online course provides a structured roadmap for house-call dentists. Enrollment is open at Remember, by staying true to your mission and continuously learning, you can overcome challenges and make a positive impact. Thank you for being part of this journey, and feel free to reach out with any questions.
Open Enrollment For Dental House Call Practice Academy 
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Visit: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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Produced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday Jul 10, 2024

Starting a dental house call practice can be a rewarding venture, but it’s crucial to get your legal foundation right from the outset. As a licensed professional, you need to protect yourself and your patients by making informed decisions about your business structure. Begin by consulting with a lawyer who can guide you in choosing the right legal entity, such as a Professional LLC (P LLC), which is required in several states for licensed professionals. My own journey began with this vital step, avoiding pitfalls by not attempting to form an LLC by myself.Once your legal entity is established, the next important moves involve setting up a business bank account and securing insurance. After your state approves your legal business name and issues a tax ID or employer ID number (EIN), you’ll need to open a business bank account to track your finances accurately. This effort ensures that all business-related expenses are easily managed and utilized for tax purposes.Only after these steps are in place should you focus on obtaining insurance, as your agent will need your business details for accurate coverage. To make this process less daunting, I developed the Dental House Call Practice Academy, a course offering a step-by-step framework based on my experiences. I understand the challenges since I didn't take business classes during my education, but I successfully navigated through them, and so can you. If you're considering entering this unique and valuable field, visit for more information and resources. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions at The world needs more house-call dentists, and I’m here to help you get started!
Open Enrollment For Dental House Call Practice Academy 
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Visit: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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Produced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024

In this week's episode, we tackle a common question that Dentists ask me in emails or on social media: “Why don't I share more patient photos online”? This query arises from the trend of using patient photos to attract social media followers, who could potentially become new patients. However, posting identifiable patient photos without explicit permission is a violation of HIPAA laws. While it might be easier to share radiographs or clinical photos, sharing a patient’s face requires informed consent, which isn’t just a matter of getting a signature but involves a detailed conversation about privacy.As a dental practitioner who makes house calls, the dynamics of seeking consent are even more nuanced. Many of my patients are dealing with complex medical conditions and prefer not to draw attention to their personal spaces. Early in my practice, I learned that presenting a media consent form could make patients feel uncomfortable. As a result, I no longer initiate these conversations to avoid triggering negative feelings. While I believe there may be patients willing to give permission for photos, maintaining a strong, trusting rapport with them takes precedence over social media content.
On a practical level, social media is not a significant referral source for my practice, and we remain busy without posting patient photos. While patient photos can be enticing for outsiders, many of my patients don't even use the internet. Instead, I focus on creating more meaningful content through podcasts and blogs, which help other dentists learn about this career option and enhance their practices. All this being said I still love it when listeners connect with me on Instagram or email me. In addition, listeners can visit the blog version of today's episode and past episodes if they prefer to read the content. Your feedback on how you prefer to learn online is always welcome, as it helps me to better serve you and the future of house-call dentistry.
Open Enrollment For Dental House Call Practice Academy 
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Visit: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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LinkedInProduced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

Even with good intentions, patients often struggle to accurately describe their dental issues. They might report a "loose bridge," which could actually be something different, like a loose partial. Unlike traditional dental offices, house-call dentists must carefully prepare and bring a variety of tools based on these potentially inaccurate reports.
Preparation is key in house-call dentistry. For instance, for a loose bridge, I pack cement, an explorer, floss, and more. I also need to consider the possibility of a loose partial, broken resin, or non-restorable teeth and pack accordingly. This extensive planning is crucial to ensure I’m ready for any eventuality given the unreliable initial patient reports. To avoid misunderstandings, my practice advises that treatment might not happen until after an initial exam. 
Even for existing patients with previous records, I must be thorough in preparation. Teledentistry has its limitations and cannot fully replace in-person exams. This meticulous planning and adaptability are essential in house-call dentistry, and in this episode, I hope to illustrate some of the basics of this preparation and packing process. I go into much more detail about this topic and so much more in my online course, Dental House Call Practice Academy or DHCPA. Check out the link to find out more! Thank you for considering house-call dentistry as a career and as always I really appreciate you. 
Open Enrollment For Dental House Call Practice Academy
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Visit: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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 Produced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday May 22, 2024

A listener recently asked me about scheduling systems in a house call practice. This got me excited because I could simply refer her directly to A Day in the Life of a House Call Dentist. This is the free scheduling guide I made to show you exactly what life as a house-call dentist looks like. However, I thought in this episode I would offer up some simple tips and tricks that I’ve learned when it comes to scheduling your house-call patients. When you open up your eHR, when you look at a blank calendar for the week or month, it’s exciting to know that you can fill it in whenever you’d like. That’s an incredible privilege! It also can be very overwhelming. For your eHR, I recommend Curve, a cloud-based software that I’ve been using for my practice from the beginning. Visit the link for a great deal on Curve when you’re ready to get started!One of the greatest perks of being a house-call dentist is the freedom to create a schedule This being said, Establishing boundaries around work hours is essential to maintaining a healthy work-life balance. In my journey as a house-call dentist, I’ve learned the importance of listening to my instincts and setting firm boundaries. By prioritizing my well-being and personal time, I can provide better care to my patients without compromising on my own needs. By considering procedure lengths and commute times, my assistant and I efficiently schedule appointments to optimize our workflow. Adopting the practice of appointment stacking has also helped us minimize gaps in our schedule and maximize our productivity throughout the day.Another key aspect of scheduling is understanding patient preferences. I’ve found that starting appointments later in the morning, around 9:30 a.m. or 10 a.m. aligns better with most patients' schedules. By catering to their needs and preferences, we can ensure a positive and convenient experience for everyone involved. The flexibility and autonomy that come with a house-call dentistry career are so rewarding. By implementing these scheduling strategies and principles discussed, you can build a schedule that not only meets the needs of your patients but also allows for a fulfilling work-life balance. Thank you for considering house-call dentistry as a career path—a choice that brings gratitude from both practitioners and patients alike.
Open Enrollment For Dental House Call Practice Academy 
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Visit: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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Produced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday May 08, 2024

In the world of dentistry, going above and beyond for patients is not just a nice gesture—it's a calling. As a dentist who truly cares about the well-being of your patients, you already strive to provide them with the best possible care. But have you ever considered what it means to go above and beyond as a house-call dentist? This week I want to explore some unique opportunities and recommendations to elevate your patient's or future patient's experience.Punctuality may seem like a basic expectation, but it can truly make a difference. Patients who are unable to leave their homes appreciate when you respect their time by arriving promptly for appointments. While unforeseen circumstances may arise, a simple courtesy call can go a long way in showing that you value their time and schedule. As a house-call dentist, you also have the opportunity to assist patients with more than just dental care. Whether it's picking up medication from the pharmacy or sending letters through the mail, these small acts of kindness can have a significant impact on patients who may have limited mobility or resources. In the realm of house-call dentistry, building relationships with patients goes beyond the dental chair. By engaging in meaningful correspondence such as sending personalized notes, reaching out during difficult times, or taking the time to listen to patients' life experiences, you solidify your connection with them. These gestures of compassion and empathy demonstrate that you truly care about them as individuals, not just as patients. Being a house-call dentist is a privilege that comes with unique opportunities to make a difference in the lives of your patients. By going above and beyond in your care, you not only enhance the patient experience but also create lasting relationships built on trust, respect, and compassion. The honor of being trusted to provide dental care in the intimate setting of a patient's home is one that should inspire you to give your best every single time.
Open Enrollment For Dental House Call Practice Academy 
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Visit: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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Produced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday May 01, 2024

Are you considering a career in house-call dentistry but feeling hesitant about marketing your services? This week I want to share some motivating words with you, inspired by the insights I impart to my Dental House Call Practice Academy students. Consider this episode a pep talk, guiding you through the importance of marketing in the world of in-home dental services. After all the planning and preparation, it's crucial to announce your in-home dental services to the world. Your practice won't launch itself magically! Marketing plays a pivotal role in connecting you with your potential patients. In the past, traditional dentists may have relied solely on word-of-mouth, but in today's digital age, spreading the word is key.In the past marketing your dental services was often stigmatized as "icky" by old-school professionals. However, times have changed, and marketing is now recognized as a valuable tool to reach those who need your services the most. By viewing marketing as a service to your patients, you can shift your mindset from reluctance to enthusiasm. Also, marketing isn't just about promotion; it's also an opportunity to educate and build relationships with potential patients. Sharing relevant and helpful information in your ads or social posts can benefit patients even before they meet you. Additionally, showcasing your personality through marketing materials can help prospective patients feel more comfortable with your practice.By keeping service at the core of your marketing efforts, you can authentically connect with those who need your specialized care. Remember, marketing your house-call practice is a service to the individuals you aim to help. Your patients need to know you're available to assist them, and effective marketing is the bridge that connects you with those in need. Share the news about your practice proudly. So just a reminder, consider marketing an integral part of your commitment to providing exceptional dental care and be proud to promote your services, your future patients will thank you! 
Open Enrollment For Dental House Call Practice Academy 
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Visit: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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Produced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

This week I wanted to address the one question I have been getting the most recently! Many of you have written in and asked how I both planned and carried out my maternity leave recently. As a solo dental practitioner, taking maternity leave came with its unique set of challenges and considerations. In this episode, we'll dive into some insights and valuable lessons for anyone facing a leave or similar situation. Solo practitioners face distinct challenges when it comes to taking extended leave, particularly in a field where personal presence is crucial. Unlike group practices with multiple providers, solo practitioners must rely solely on themselves to maintain their practice while on leave. So this being said, one key aspect of preparing for a maternity leave as a solo practitioner is ensuring financial stability during the absence. I always want to emphasize the importance of saving up to cover expenses while not earning! The need for strategic financial planning and preparation is key. Secondly, securing a capable and trustworthy replacement during maternity leave is essential. I was lucky to find a colleague who I did my residence with to fill in but the value of having a reliable support system and network cannot be understated. Next, effective communication with patients is vital when preparing for a leave. I informed my patients about my pregnancy early on, allowing for proper scheduling and ensuring continuity of care during my absence. Returning to work after maternity leave was a gradual process for me. By easing back into clinical work slowly and strategically managing my schedule I was able to balance professional responsibilities with caring for the baby. Ultimately, the decision to reduce work hours and prioritize family time reflects a shift in priorities for me and will be unique for everyone.Balancing professional commitments with personal values alongside the importance of flexibility and autonomy in shaping one's career path is so important to me. As a solo practitioner navigating maternity leave is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of being a house-call dentist. By sharing my experiences and insights, I hope to offer a valuable perspective to fellow healthcare professionals facing similar circumstances.
Handling maternity leave as a solo practitioner presents its own set of challenges, but with careful planning, a supportive network, and a willingness to adapt, it is possible to navigate this milestone successfully. I hope this episode has provided valuable insights and inspiration for those embarking on a similar journey!
Open Enrollment For Dental House Call Practice Academy 
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Visit: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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 Produced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

This week’s episode is inspired by a conversation I had with a fellow Dentist this past weekend. Mind you this was by no means a planned chat or networking event. My husband Chris, baby Robinson, and I traveled to the Long Island area of New York for a jiu-jitsu tournament that Chris was competing in. Typically, jiu-jitsu is the least violent martial art. There’s no kicking, no punching, and it isn’t bloody.  But as luck would have it, Chris chipped a tooth during one of his matches. Luckily in the New York City area, there are plenty of dentists open on a Sunday morning. So we got that tooth restored and his smile is as good as new.
However, when Chris was getting numb, his nice dentist asked me about my practice. When I told him that it’s a house-call practice, his first remark was “There’s a lot less competition in that.” This comment got me thinking, why aren’t dental house-call practices more widely available? Why is there such little competition? In this episode, I want to shed some light on the historical reasons behind the scarcity of house-call practices and challenge the existing norms in the dental industry. In addition, I want to address some key challenges that house-call dentists face, including ergonomic concerns, safety considerations for in-home visits, and questions about the profitability of a house-call practice.
By dissecting these barriers and offering practical solutions, such as embracing evolving dental technologies, I believe a paradigm shift towards more inclusive and flexible dental care solutions is inevitable. This is exactly why I started Dental House Call Practice Academy, an online course designed to guide prospective house-call dentists through the many ins and outs of starting their practice, ensuring they're well-prepared to embark on this rewarding journey. By fostering awareness, and collaboration among healthcare providers, and empowering dentists to embrace innovation, I truly believe a revolution in dental care is within reach.
Open Enrollment For Dental House Call Practice Academy 
Visit me at:  ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Visit: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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Produced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

On Today’s episode of the Residential Movement Podcast, we have a special guest, Dr. Ellie Halabian, the founder of the Teeth Matter Podcast, a community for dentists navigating the challenging career path of dentistry. Dr. Halabian's journey from public health to various dental settings in New York City reflects the quest for work-life harmony shared by many house-call dentists. In this episode, she breaks down her transition from public health to private dentistry and explains how it mirrors the diverse paths dentists can take in their careers. Her aim to find balance resonates with house-call dentists seeking harmony between work and personal life. By founding the Teeth Matter Podcast and community, Dr. Halabian has created a platform for dentists to connect, learn, and support each other in this demanding profession.During this episode, Dr. Halabian explains how connecting with like-minded dentists in your community can provide valuable support and insights. As regular listeners know, house-call dentistry offers a unique way to diversify one's practice and find the equilibrium many dentists aspire to achieve. However, there are also additional ways that you can diversify your practice and Dr. Halabian’s quest to build a career within varying practices, each with its own unique challenges is a shining example of how young Docs can find fulfillment and financial security in this current market. In addition to Dr. Halabian’s incredible insights, this week I’m also sharing some incredibly exciting news! enrollment for the Dental House Call Practice Academy (DHCPA) is now open. This online course offers a comprehensive guide to establishing and growing a dental house call practice, covering everything from practice naming to patient acquisition and equipment preparation. Join this cohort to kickstart your journey in house call dentistry and visit the website to enroll. The dental community is a testament to the power of collaboration and shared knowledge among dentists. Remember, whether you're exploring house call dentistry or looking to enhance your current practice, there are resources and communities like DHCPA to support you on your professional journey.
Connect with Dr. Halabian:
Open Enrollment For Dental House Call Practice Academy 
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Visit: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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Produced by: Social Chameleon


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