ResiDental Movement

Are you a dentist interested in helping patients who truly need your care? Are you a dentist looking to own your own practice without the stress of a traditional practice? Are you looking for more free time and flexibility, plus the chance to spend quality time with patients? Consider the emerging field of dental home care. The ResiDENTAL Movement exists to encourage, equip and empower dentists to begin offering in-home dental care to patients who need it most - patients with limited mobility, phobias, cognitive impairment, and special needs. These patients need dental care while they remain in their own residences. Tune in while the host, Dr. Ashleigh Robinson, talks dentistry, business, ethics, mindset, and more to help you become a part of ResiDENTAL Movement. Website: Facebook: Instagram:

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Wednesday Nov 29, 2023

This week I’m sharing my thoughts on how house-call dentistry can fit into a traditional chairside dental career. I know there are a lot of dentists out there who are interested in offering house calls, but worried about missing out on the benefits of chairside practice. Well, I'm here to tell you that you don't have to choose one or the other! 
In fact, many house-call dentists, including myself, still practice chairside part-time. It's a great way to keep using certain skills and techniques that you might not get to use during house calls. Plus, working chairside can be appealing for a variety of reasons, like the ability to see a lot of people every day and practice in one location.
Of course, there are some things to consider if you want to work both chairside and offer house calls. For example, you'll want to ensure your patients know that you're a house-call dentist for people who cannot leave home and that you're not taking patients away from your boss. You'll also want to look into any non-compete clauses in your associate contracts. 
My advice would be to find per diem roles where chairside patients aren't confused about your level of commitment toward them or consider working part-time in an institutional setting where there are clear boundaries between your comprehensive house call patients and your chairside patients.
I hope these thoughts are helpful to you! Whether you decide to offer dental house calls or not, please consider supporting those in need by contributing to the Home Smile Care Foundation. Thanks for tuning in!
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Visit: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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Produced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023

My husband Chris and I were recently reflecting on how we spend our time, and it got me thinking about the importance of LOVING what you do. While my husband enjoys his job, I am fortunate enough to have found my dream career as a self-employed house-call dentist. It's truly a gift to love what you do, and I encourage you to pursue a career that you truly love as well.
As Thanksgiving approaches, I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to my patients and their families. Through my work as a house-call dentist, I have had the opportunity to experience some truly special moments that I will always cherish. From hearing a 102-year-old patient sing a beautiful lullaby in French to bonding with a patient over the excitement of my pregnancy, these experiences have impacted me in profound ways.
I am also incredibly grateful for the support of my husband, who has helped me in countless ways with my business. Having a strong support system is so important, and I hope that you have people in your life who encourage you to pursue your dreams.
So whether you are a fellow house-call dentist or practice in a different setting, I hope that you LOVE what you do and are able to connect with your patients in meaningful ways. I’m wishing you and your families a happy Thanksgiving and sending my appreciation your way for supporting both me and this podcast! 
Sign Up to Become An Official Member of the ResiDENTAL Movement
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Vist: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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Produced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023

Usually on this show, we discuss the ins and outs of house-call dentistry. In this episode, however, we will be discussing the importance of financial management for house call dentists specifically when it comes to our student loans. Today we have a special guest, Mark Johnson, the founder of StudentLoans Rx and DentalWealthRx.The freedom and flexibility that House Call Dentistry provides is one of the key factors that drew me to it. Scheduling appointments whenever you'd like, with no clock to punch or team to report to freedom is a huge perk of what we do. However, the importance of financial management for maintaining that level of freedom is so important specifically when it comes to handling our student loan debt. 
Dentists often have massive student loan debt burdens and Federal student loan repayment and interest accrual resumed last month making this episode especially timely. The need for a team of professionals to help run your practice is so important and will end up saving you both money and stress in the long term. Mark and his team at StudentLoans Rx have been counseling dentists through student loan repayment in the context of a comprehensive financial plan for over 30 years. His perspective and knowledge are invaluable, especially during a time like this. 
In this episode, we discuss some of the specific advice that Mark gives his Dentist clients.  We discuss repayment timelines, interest rate factors, and the host of new Federal programs that have been established to help alleviate some of the high interest rates on student loans. We also discuss strategies for repayment of private loans and the various pros and cons of the most common approaches. Mark offers valuable advice on the long-term thinking required to make the right financial decisions for you and your family while pointing out some of the obstacles he has encountered with his clients. This is a must-listen episode for any dentist or even student who is looking for sound advice on paying off your student loans in a manner that is best for you. 
Connect with Mark: 
Student Loans Website
Dental Wealth Website
Phone # 314.737.8123
Sign Up to Become An Official Member of the ResiDENTAL Movement
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Vist: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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Produced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023

This week I wanted to share my thoughts on digital dentistry and using technology in my house call practice. Before we dive in, I want to thank you for your understanding and patience during my recent absence due to the loss of my grandmother. It meant a lot to me! Now, onto this week's question about whether or not I use digital dentistry in my practice. The short answer is no, I do not use a digital scanner. While I have considered it and even tried it out for a trial period, I have found that it is not currently necessary for my practice. 
While scanners are great for fixed or Invisalign services, they are clunky to lug around for house calls, and my practice doesn't offer fixed services anyway. Even for Invisalign, I have had success with traditional PVS impressions. Additionally, many of my patients are not able to cooperate with digital impressions due to their cognitive level, and I find that traditional impressions work just fine in these cases. That being said, I do use some pretty cool portable technology and equipment in my practice, including a portable dental unit and a portable digital radiography system. 
Ultimately, while technology can be great, what's most important is providing quality care to our patients. Patients don't care about the specific technology we use as long as they receive good care. Thank you so much for reaching out with your question. I always love hearing from my listeners. If you have any more questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to me at
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Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Vist: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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Produced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday Oct 25, 2023

This week I wanted to share some of my favorite books that I think EVERYONE should read. As a dentist who offers house calls, I believe reading general nonfiction is incredibly important for personal growth and empathy.
The first book is Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder. It tells the story of Dr.Paul Farmer, a physician who dedicated his career to treating patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Haiti. His dedication to justice is truly inspiring and reminds us that all lives matter.
The next book is When Breath Becomes Air, a memoir written by a neurosurgeon who reflects on what matters in life as he faces his own mortality. It's a touching read that reminds us of the importance of cherishing time with loved ones.
Finally, James Clear's Atomic Habits is a bestseller that offers advice on how to establish good habits. It's a great read for anyone looking to make positive changes in their life.
I hope these recommendations inspire you to pick up a book and start reading! And if you're interested in reading together in a community, consider becoming an official member of the ResiDENTAL Movement where every month we will be discussing a new book and share how the ideas and philosophies contained in the book apply to our practices and everyday lives. Thank you for your time and happy reading!
Sign Up to Become An Official Member of the ResiDENTAL Movement
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Vist: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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Produced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday Oct 18, 2023

This week I wanted to share one of the things I absolutely love about my job as a solo practitioner - the freedom and independence it offers, paired with a true sense of teamwork. Now, I'm a people-loving extrovert, but there's something about seeing just a few patients a day and working independently that really suits me. Of course, for you, having a strong team might be preferable, and the great thing is, that you have the flexibility to structure your dental house call team however you like!
First and foremost, my family - my husband and kids - are my most important team. Then, there's Katie, my virtual assistant. She's incredible! She handles phones, billing, scheduling, referrals, and so much more. I honestly couldn't be productive or effective without her help. Having an administrative assistant, even if they're virtual, is truly invaluable. It allows me to focus on dentistry and do what I love.
In addition to my virtual assistant, I collaborate with my hygienist friend Marianne. We have an absolute blast when I visit residential communities where she can join me. I also rely heavily on my local dental lab for high-quality prosthetics. Let me tell you, having a good relationship with a dental lab is an absolute must! You can choose one nearby or even farther away - it's all about finding what works best for you and your practice.
And of course, I can't forget about my local community! Dentists, physicians, and nurses - play a crucial role in connecting me with patients who need in-home care. Building those relationships has been incredibly valuable. Last but certainly not least are the families of my patients. They assist with coordinating care and provide important medical history. In the end, while I may work alone on a day-to-day basis, house-call dentistry is definitely a team effort. You can achieve a lot on your own, but having support makes everything even better. It's all about building the right team for you and your patients! I hope these insights are helpful as you consider your own house call team. I'm looking forward to connecting with you all soon.
Sign Up to Become An Official Member of the ResiDENTAL Movement
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Vist: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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Produced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday Oct 11, 2023

On this week's podcast, I wanted to reflect a little on my recent induction as a Fellow into the American College of Dentists. It was a huge honor to be inducted alongside some amazing colleagues who have been practicing for multiple decades. I was shocked when I first found out I’d be receiving this honor. I remember back to dental school when some of my faculty had their name, DDS, followed by FACD embroidered onto their jackets. These faculty were people I held in high regard because the American College of Dentists exists to advance excellence, ethics, professionalism, and leadership in dentistry. To me, the most important of those is ethics.   
So with me reflecting a good deal on ethics this past week, I was inspired to share some advice with all of you that I shared with my students. Right now, the very first cohort of students moving through my Dental House Call Practice Academy. They recently finished one of the very first lessons about identifying your ideal patient for your house call practice. We spend a lot of time talking on this podcast about who it is that you’re looking to serve in your dental house call practice. We do so because it’s important.  Everything we do in our practices should be for that patient.  
In my opinion, dental house calls are like dentures. Dentures are a replacement for no teeth, they’re not a replacement for teeth.  Someone with the best denture in the world would still be better off with a healthy dentition, right? Or even a moderately restored dentition. Dental house call practices are a replacement for the LACK of ability to go to a dental office, they’re not a substitute for going to the dental office for those who are able. As a house-call dentist, I am committed to providing access and ethical care to all patients. That's why I want to share some advice about identifying your ideal patient for your house call practice. While there is a market for convenience, it's important to reserve in-home services for patients who are best served at home. 
I hope this reminder is helpful for you as you consider offering dental house calls. If you have any thoughts or opinions on whether dental house call practices are like dentures, feel free to email me at I'd love to hear from you! Also, whether you decide to pursue in-home dental care or not, please consider supporting those in need of it by contributing to the Home Smile Care Foundation. Visit for more information.
Thank you for considering dental house calls and for listening today. I appreciate you!
Sign Up to Become An Official Member of the ResiDENTAL Movement
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Vist: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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Produced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023

I wanted to share some exciting changes happening at AccommoDental lately. As you may know, AccommoDental is my dental house-call practice and I'm currently expecting my first baby. So, a couple of you have asked me how the practice has been going through the pregnancy and I'm happy to give you an update!
So far, I'm about halfway through my pregnancy and haven't needed to modify my appointment workflow much yet. However, I have been feeling more tired than usual, so I've decided to switch to two visits per day instead of three. This has decreased our income in the short term, but I believe it's important to listen to my body during this time. 
I'm also excited to announce that AccommoDental has physically expanded as well! We recently moved into our new home, which includes its own beautiful office built by my handy husband, Chris. Having a space dedicated to AccommoDental has been a game-changer. 
As I prepare for my maternity leave, I'm looking for a temporary teammate who can offer house calls 1-2 days a week. This will help ensure that my patients receive the care they need while I'm away. If you or someone you know has experience working with medically complex patients and is confident addressing family members and caregivers, please let me know at 
In addition to the flexibility that I’m experiencing during this pregnancy I’ve been thinking about how flexible housecall dentistry can be if you're ever injured or recovering from an injury, just know that a dental housecall practice can offer the flexibility you need. Your lifestyle can determine how many patients you see, whether or not you have a team, and how much space you decide to take up in your own home. It's all up to you!
Lastly, whether you decide to offer dental house calls or not, please consider supporting those in need of in-home dental care by contributing to the Home Smile Care Foundation at 
Thanks for listening and for your continued support!
Sign Up to Become An Official Member of the ResiDENTAL Movement
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Vist: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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Produced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday Sep 27, 2023

On this week’s podcast, I wanted to share a story with you that happened to me during one of my routine house call visits. I have a long-time patient whom I visit every three months, and recently when I arrived at her house for her appointment, I noticed that her front door was open. This immediately concerned me, as my patient is an older woman who lives alone and is very cautious. After calling inside for the patient she let me know that she would be “right there.” Then after waiting for over 20 minutes I decided to let myself in and found my patient sitting in a chair in her front room with her walker right in front of her. She had been attempting to stand up out of the chair the entire time but her knees just wouldn't let her. 
While waiting for those 20 minutes, so many thoughts popped into my head about safety concerns not only for my patient but also for myself. I understand that there are risks involved with providing in-home care, but I believe it's important to not let fear get in the way of offering services to people who really need them. This being said everyone’s journey into house call dentistry is unique and it’s important that you do what is necessary to feel safe and secure on every visit. For some, an assistant might make them feel more comfortable from both a security and liability standpoint. Personally, I feel safe enough to continue solo, however, I am considering some self-defense courses and perhaps wearing a body-cam to mitigate any potential legal jeopardy or liability. 
I hope this story was helpful and informative for you. Thank you for taking the time to listen. As always, whether you decide to pursue dental house calls or not, please consider supporting those in need by contributing to the Home Smile Care Foundation. These reflections were inspired by a conversation in The ResiDENTAL Movement's Official Membership Community. Click the link to find out more about the benefits of becoming a member. I appreciate you tuning in!
Sign Up to Become An Official Member of the ResiDENTAL Movement
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Vist: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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Produced by: Social Chameleon

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023

This week on the podcast I wanted to share a personal story with you that I hope will help you on your own house call journey. It's about my first appointment with a patient I had no connection with, and the lessons I learned from it.
When I first started offering house calls, I didn't have an established travel radius or minimum visit fee, and it caused some problems. I ended up driving over three hours to visit a patient living with Autism who I was only able to interact with for 45 seconds! Now this was no fault of the patient as building trust with patients suffering from Autism takes time. However it was frustrating, but it taught me the importance of being a better businesswoman and establishing some basic policies upfront. 
I know firsthand how tough it can be to start a house call practice, especially without access to resources or support. That's why I created the ResiDENTAL Movement and the Dental House Call Practice Academy. The Academy is an eight-week course that covers everything you need to know to start your own house call practice, from legal basics to equipment lists and best practices. I truly believe that more house-call dentists means more patients have access to care, and that's what this is all about. As always, whether you decide to pursue dental house calls or not, please consider supporting those in need by contributing to the Home Smile Care Foundation. I appreciate you tuning in!
Thank you for listening, and please feel free to reach out to me at if you have any questions or just want to chat.
Sign Up to Become An Official Member of the ResiDENTAL Movement
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Vist: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
Let’s Get Social:
Produced by: Social Chameleon


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